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Insect container management

Nesle (80)

Insect protein production line
Internal logistics of large and multi-level containers

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For this confidential project, the installation carried out by Cleia is a section of the black soldier fly larva growth area.

These larvae are deposited with substrate for their development in large stackable containers, enabling the establishment of an auto-stable module which is transferred to the different stages of the industrial process for the development of larvae.

After the growth process, the larvae and residue are mainly transformed into protein for animal food and into fertiliser for agriculture.

The internal logistics line consists of the entirely automated handling of the empty container and freshly filled container piles, as well as the filling, weighing and emptying stations.

Lifts ensure the transfer to a vertical farm composed of automated storage with shelves and a set of shuttles. This multi-level storage area was designed in a customised manner so that the larvae could grow in a controlled atmosphere.

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