pictogramme telephone


pictogramme reglages


Legal notices


Company name: CLEIA
Legal status: LLC
Establishment or headquarters address: 2 Av. Eugène Spuller, 21340 Nolay
Email address: info@cleia.fr
Telephone number: 03 80 26 71 00
Share capital amount: €1,000,250.00
SIRET: 51829085300028
Trade and companies register registration number: Dijon B 518 290 853
Intracommunity VAT number: FR13518290853


Website hosting:
Website creator: EcloLINK


1. Information on cookies

For statistical and display purposes, this website uses cookies. These are small text files stored on your hard disc in order to save technical data on your browsing. Certain parts of this website cannot function without the acceptance of cookies.

2. Purpose of the cookies used

We use cookies from Google Analytics. The data and statistics we collect through these cookies are solely used to improve the quality of our services.

Google Analytics is used anonymously in order to improve the user experience on our website and offer you intuitive browsing.

This data is not communicated to any third party whatsoever.Mentions légales


Company name: CLEIA
Legal status: LLC
Establishment or headquarters address: 2 Av. Eugène Spuller, 21340 Nolay
Email address: info@cleia.fr
Telephone number: 03 80 26 71 00
Share capital amount: €1,000,250.00
SIRET: 51829085300028
Trade and companies register registration number: Dijon B 518 290 853
Intracommunity VAT number: FR13518290853


Website hosting:
Website creator: EcloLINK


1. Information on cookies

For statistical and display purposes, this website uses cookies. These are small text files stored on your hard disc in order to save technical data on your browsing. Certain parts of this website cannot function without the acceptance of cookies.


2. Purpose of the cookies used

Nous utilisons des cookies de la part de Google Analytics. Les données et statistiques que nous collectons au moyen de ces cookies sont utilisées dans le seul et unique but d’améliorer la qualité de nos services.

Google Analytics est utilisé de façon anonyme afin d’améliorer l’expérience utilisateur sur notre site web et vous offrir une navigation intuitive.

Ces données ne sont pas communiquées à quelque tiers que ce soit.


3. Your choices regarding the cookies

You can, at any moment, choose to express and amend your cookie preferences using the methods described below.

You can configure your browsing software so that cookies are saved in your terminal or, on the other hand, they are rejected either systematically or according to their issuer. You can also configure your browsing software so that the acceptance or refusal of cookies are offered to you punctually before a cookie is likely to be saved in your terminal. For more information, consult the “How do you exercise your choices depending on the browser you use?” section


3.1. Acceptance of cookies

The storage of a cookie in a terminal is subject to its user’s will and expressed and amended at any moment free of charge using the choices offered by their browsing software. If you have accepted, in your browsing software, the storage of cookies in your terminal, the cookies embedded in the pages and content you have consulted may be temporarily stored in a dedicated space of your terminal. They can only be read by their issuer.


3.2. Refusal of cookies

If you refuse the storage of cookies in your terminal or if you delete those which are stored there, it is possible that you may no longer benefit from a certain number of functionalities. Such would also be the case if we, or our service providers, could not recognise, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by your terminal, its language and display parameters, or the country from which your terminal appears to be connected to the Internet. When necessary, we decline any liability for the consequences related to the reduced operation of our services resulting from the impossibility of storing or consulting the cookies required for their operation, and which you would have refused or deleted.


3.3. How do you exercise your choices depending on the browser you use?

To manage cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. This is described in your browser’s help menu which will inform you on how to amend your cookie preferences.


Please click on your browser’s name to access the relevant help menu:

For Internet Explorer

For Safari

For Chrome

For Firefox

For Opera


You can also configure your browser so that it sends a code indicating to the websites that you do not wish to be tracked. (“Do Not Track” option).


Please click on your browser’s name to access the relevant help menu:

For Internet Explorer

For Safari

For Chrome

For Firefox

For Opera

Personal data & confidentiality policy

1. Conservation and use of your personal data

The information collected via the form of this website is saved in a digitised file by EcloLINK for CLEIA in order to communicate the information related to the CLEIA brand and services.

It is kept for 1 year and is only intended for commercial use by the CLEIA company. It will not be communicated to a third party.

In accordance with the “Data Protection Act”, you may exercise your right of access to your data and have it rectified by contacting info@cleia.fr or by post to the following address: CLEIA, 2 Av. Eugène Spuller, 21340 Nolay, accompanied by a form of ID. Ideally, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.


2. Consent and processing of your personal data

By ticking the mandatory consent box before the submission of each form of the CLEIA website (“I authorise CLEIA to contact me personally about its services in order to develop my business. ”), you explicitly authorise the storage and processing of your data with the aim of informing you about our services.

You authorise:

– A CLEIA adviser to contact you about any business relations

– The marketing department to send you personalised information about our services

Tip: do you not wish to give your consent?

Call us directly on 03 80 26 71 00. We will then answer your questions by telephone.


3. Withdrawal of consent regarding your personal data

You have the right to access, amend and/or remove your data at any moment by contacting our IT department:

By email: info@cleia.fr

By post to the following address: CLEIA, 2 Av. Eugène Spuller, 21340 Nolay, accompanied by a form of ID. Ideally, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

The person responsible for the file has a maximum response deadline of 2 months following the request, whether it was made by post or email. The CNIL states: “If the request is incomplete (absence of ID for example), the person responsible for the file is entitled to request further information: the deadline will then be suspended and will resume once this information is provided.”

The limitations to the right of access are specified on CNIL’s website and can be consulted by clicking here.

Gender equality index

Pay gap


Individual salary increase gap


Female employees given a pay rise upon returning from maternity leave


Equality among the 10 highest salaries


Gender equality: an incalculable index…but which does not change our desire to guarantee gender equality in the company

On 31 December 2023, among our 112 employees, we only had 17 women, which was 15% of the workforce.

Despite a committed pay equality policy under which all our positions are open to men and women in the same manner, we are having difficulties attracting women to the technical branches even though the training courses are for everyone.

Moreover, in the industrial sector, women represent less than 30% of the employees (INSEE study of February 2022). Beyond this figure, the posts occupied by women in this sector are often supporting roles, which has been noticed at CLEIA.

To go back to our indicators:

• The 1st of the 4 indicators establishing the pay gap is not calculable.

In fact, this indicator is calculated from the average amount of the payments to women compared to the male average amount for 4 age brackets and 4 socio-professional categories identified. But only the groups consisting of at least 3 men and at least 3 women are taken into account.

 It is therefore impossible to establish homogeneous groups, which makes the indicator incalculable

• The 3rd indicator concerns female workers who returned from maternity leave during 2023.

No female worker at CLEIA is concerned, which makes the indicator incalculable.